:M A F - p H E W:
Wgt-bH6M mafpHoto CeeBoo gifpeaceachance
aftermaf pHabstract pHine art wordsmifpH
exhibitions Love u Princess pHotograpHysics
youtube.com/mafpHew flickr.com/mafpHew
BraindanceFM subscribe purchase e links
copyright 2004-2025 maf*pHew
All images, text and ideas are the
'intellectual property' of Maf Prigg
and are therefore protected by the
United Kingdom's Designs & Patent Act 1988
and international copyright laws.
No part of this property may be
used without the written permission
of Maf Prigg to include copying,
duplicating, publishing (even on a website),
reproducing, storing in a retrieval system or
transmitting by any means what so ever.
[I copied this text from someone else's website]
Wgt-bH6M - I mainly concern myself with 480,000 pixels
mafpHoto - digital pHotograpHy from around the way
CeeBoo - award winning online outsider art gallery
gifpeaceachance - hours of animated gifun
aftermaf - late night doodles
pHabstract - abstract photgraphy
pHine art - computer art pre-2008
wordsmifpH - mindless vandalism
exhibitions - available
Love u Princess Diana
pHotograpHysics - lomo pHoto archive
BraindanceFM - RepHlex propaganda
subscribe - tumblr YouTube flickr
purchase - original art for sale
e - contact
links - time to waste?
penryn space agency 2014-19
spacey electronic music radio show